About Cam

Astrological Background

This creates an understanding and a feeling of being heard like no other, and once we can understand the context of how things came to be, I then can use Astrology to create a better understanding of your current experience of life. As well, I then can use Astrology to predict certain events in the future. This is when we can talk about what to do next, what a path forward looks like and what your best options are. This is the inspired action I like to facilitate. However there are many other ways I like to use Astrology; through Natal Astrology, I love helping people get to understand themselves better through a different perspective and by asking questions that beg contemplation of how you view yourself. Regardless of what specific tools I’m using, my main interest is helping people. Giving people concrete, realistic perspectives as well as offering encouraging and exciting feedback to use to make a change or experience something different is what I live for.

As I continue practicing, teaching and studying astrology, my definition of what I think Astrology is has changed throughout the years, and probably will continue too. Astrology offers so many vast perspectives, provides so many different tools to use, and can calculate so many specific parts of our lives, trying to label it as one thing constricts what else it can be used for, understood as, and applied to.

However, in that respect to Astrology’s dynamism, I see Astrology as something not only as a metaphysical practice and science, but also as an art, a history and one of the only tools for understanding this life that provides complete inclusion, gives a sense of meaning and purpose and one that immerses us within the environment we surround ourselves with. It shows us how we affect our world, and how our world affects us; “as above so below, as within so without”.

My background with Astrology and the Metaphysical Arts starts in late 2013 after going through a… what we’ll call for right now a “spiritual awakening”, this is when I began studying and using Pagan Witchcraft and discovered Astrology. After I read through what little information there was online at the time, I started getting more serious and studied more modern astrology through authors like Llwellyn George, Dane Rudhyar and Richard Tarnas. Then in late 2017 is when I started studying traditional Astrology beginning with Hellenistic Astrology under Chris Brennan, and have been since studying authors of antiquity throughout the ages like Rhetorius, Ptolemy and others.

In essence, I blend traditional techniques with modern concepts to squeeze the most out of the rich history of knowledge Astrology has to offer and to provide the most up to date understanding of Astrology. I believe that the ancient techniques of traditional astrology offer insights so calculated, detailed and literal that they beg to be understood and seen, and using these techniques add a tremendous value to the modern practice of astrology, where the main focus is interpreting planetary movements, placements and aspects through a psychological lens to provide deeper insight into your own psyche. Synthesizing both practices together to give you the most literal and easily understood interpretations is where I excel and focus my Astrological practice.

Just like most things in life, it’s never what tool it is you use, but how you use it. How do I use astrology? I love using Astrology to inspire others to take action. I use Astrology to help people get an extremely clear picture of where they are at in their lives, how they got there and what celestial circumstances set it all up to happen.

Personal Life

Cam White was born and raised in the IE of Southern California growing up with a variety of interests and hobbies from motocross and bmx, drumming and guitar, hiking and community service work, to working on his step fathers fruit orchard. Cam was born and raised Evangelical christian however didn’t follow that path, and his resistance to and bad experience with the church led him down the road of spirituality -always believing in a higher power but not finding its truth in the conventional souther California born-again christian churches. Although Cam was constantly in trouble and didn’t do well in the school setting, Cam was always successful in the sciences and math, especially geometry where he became a geometry tutor in his senior year of highschool. This would eventually be a small stepping stone towards discovering astrology.

Graduating and post high school Cam discovered paganism and other witchcraft which led him to discovering his birth chart in 2014 where everything changed. At the time, Cam had big dreams goals and aspirations but struggled with depression, addiction, suicidal thoughts and being in poverty once he was forced out of his home. Discovering his birth chart gave him clarity of self, validation of his dreams and gave him a roadmap to success to follow. 

Throughout 2014-16 Cam had moved from the IE to Las Vegas, NV and intensely studied and practiced astrology, and was reading whoever’s chart that would let him rant about astrology to them. During this time, Cam was also deeply involved in doing personal development seminars, being mentored by other entrepreneurs and was constantly held accountable to acting in a higher purpose. Then in 2016, after sporadically moving to Denver on a whim, in the middle of a meeting with a team of like minded individuals who were looking to achieve higher purpose in life, he shared how frustrated he was about having dreams and goals but not knowing his purpose, or how to get there. At this time, Cam’s team was sick of hearing him complain about not being sure what to do, so they gave him a dare. They pointed out Cam’s knowledge and passion about astrology and how he can captivate an audience so easily talking about it and asked – “why don’t you be an astrologer?” he had never considered being a professional astrologer in any capacity, but under the circumstance he was forced to undertake the challenge being held accountable by his team.

Then in 2016 Cam started his YouTube channel which he is most known for today, where he’s made weekly horoscopes as well as tons of additional astrology content over the years.